When he found his current job, his family dubbed him lost forever. 找到现在这份工作时,全家人都称他是彻底完蛋了。
I have a job, a family, a life to live, but about a year ago I started to feel the need to improve my English, that used to be good but not perfect. 我有工作,有家庭,有自己的生活要过,我的英文之前虽不算完美但是也是不错的。但是一年前我开始感受到我还是需要提高我的英文。
If you dont see this when you are younger, you have less desire to venture out when you are older and have job and family constraints in play. 如果年轻时不出去看看,等年龄大一些,有了工作,再加上家庭的约束,就更没有冒险的渴望了。
The other person will understand, especially if they also have a busy job and a family of their own. 别人会感同身受,尤其是他们本身工作忙还有家庭。
We must make sure that everyone has a job and each family has enough food. 我们要确保人人有事做,家家有饭吃。
Study, job, family. We thought it was impossible, but it is possible. 我们曾以为不可能在学习、工作与家庭中找到平衡,但其实是可能的。
However, form my job and my family, it is not the best choose. 然而,我的工作方式和我的家人,这是不是最好的选择。
Provide workshop participants will the ability and knowledge to understand the differences between Core competencies and Job Family competencies and to initiate Competency projects in their companies. 帮助参加者具备能力和知识,学习并理解关键素质和一般素质的区别,以便在自己的公司开展该项活动。
All this means it is harder to strike a satisfying balance between job and family in Asia than in the West. 并且因为高房价,买房也显得十分昂贵。以上的种种意味着:相比西方,想要在亚洲取得工作和生活上的平衡是更为困难。
We will do a good job of providing family planning services to and managing the floating population. 做好流动人口计划生育服务管理工作。
And in2004, when tsunami had, her house, job, family and life was truly devastated. 当2004年海啸发生后,她的房子,工作,家庭,生活完全被摧毁了。
As the agency has discovered, virtually anything from loss of a job to family breakup can trigger the slip downhill. 统计局发现,任何因素-从失业到家庭破裂等,都会引起贫困。
A happy, productive life. College, job, family! 一个幸福富裕的生活大学工作家庭!
Among others in which workers report the least interference between job and family life: auditors, architects, engineers, music directors and composers, and fine artists. 员工认为职业与家庭生活冲突最小的一些职业有:审计员、建筑师、工程师、音乐指挥和作曲家,还有艺术家。
If he fails to find a new job his family will go hungry. 如果他还找不到工作的话,他的家人就要挨饿了。
She travelled legally to Greece on the promise of a housekeeping job with a family there but her passport was taken and she was forcibly transported by car, lorry and small boat to what she later learnt was the UK. 为了到一个家庭当管家,她合法地前往希腊。但她的护照被抢走,在暴力挟持下,通过汽车、货车和小船被运送到另一个国家。之后她才知道自己来到了英国。
She hopes the results of this poll will motivate businesses around the country to create more flexible employment options and accommodations for working mothers, so they don't have to choose between job and family. 她希望投票结果能在全国范围内推动公司为职业母亲创造更具弹性的就业选择以及住宿要求,这样他们就不必在工作和家庭之间作出取舍。
When my mother quit her job, the family kept her until several days before she left for australia. 妈妈去辞掉工作时,顾主留她一直做到动身去澳洲的前几天。
His passion and dedication to his job and family are the best things he gives us. 他对家庭及工作的热诚全心的奉献,是他给我们最好的礼物。
She values her job above her family. 她重视工作胜于家庭。
She said that shed had to make a trade-off between her job and her family. 她说她不得不在工作和家庭之间进行权衡。
When Uncle Billy lost his job, his family had to tighten their belts. 比利大叔失业后,他的全家不得不勒紧裤带过日子。
It's a very wearing job. Family's tough work sometimes. 有时候应对家人也是很累人的工作。
He's got no job no family background! 那人一没工作、二没家庭背景。
Objective factors: social support, job, family income, self-reported health. 客观因素:社会关系、工作、收入及自评健康状况。
Family Conflict influenced by Job factors was much high-er than the Job Conflict caused by Family factors. ( 3) After controlling demographic variables, Job Family Conflict has a negative im-pact on Job Satisfaction, but a positive impact on Turnover Intention. 在控制员工人口统计变量后,员工的工作-家庭冲突和家庭-工作冲突对工作满意度有负向影响,对离职倾向有正向影响;
The family-responsibility of the employees 'be of double natures of both the job& family conflict and movement restraint; 家庭责任具有工作&家庭冲突和流动制约两重性;
These seven sources were highly perceived stress from "interface between job and family/ social life"," career and achievement"," safety"," management problem and relationship with others at work"," physical environment of workplace"," ergonomics" and "organizational structure". 这7个职业紧张因子是工作与家庭/社会生活、仕途与成就、人身安全感、工作中的管理问题及同事间的关系、工作环境中的物理因素、人体工效因素和组织结构。
An influence of RD employees 'job family conflict on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention 研发人员工作家庭冲突对其工作态度影响研究
In addition, because of the shortage of social labour and the economy crisis, more and more housewives gradually leave their families and choose another life style of two roles both in job and family care. 再加上劳动力减少以及经济危机,越来越多的女性逐渐走出了家庭,选择了一边工作一边照顾家庭的生活方式。